Quantum Berkshires/June 23, 2024
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Quantum Berkshires/June 23

Patrick White for State Representative

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That's me, feeding Berkshire goats as a teenager and a bit more recently at the Sheffield Farmers Market.

In This Issue:

Meet Ben Soloway

Arm Wrestling with Bob Jones

Warning: Dirt Roads

Annual Forestry Conference

Coverage: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Housatonic Water Works

Memories of My Father

Quantum Engineer Ben Soloway.

Quantum Engineering and the Climate Crisis

Meet Ben Soloway

I was taking a quick dip with my dog Sadie the other day and met Ben Soloway at our neighborhood beach. Ben is currently completing doctoral work at the University of Chicago in, wait for it, quantum engineering.

Ben is on the front lines of an industry that could have a massive positive impact on climate change. This, from McKinsey & Co.:

Quantum computing could bring about step changes throughout the economy that would have a huge impact on carbon abatement and carbon removal, including by helping to solve persistent sustainability problems such as curbing methane produced by agriculture, making the production of cement emissions-free, improving electric batteries for vehicles, developing significantly better renewable solar technology, finding a faster way to bring down the cost of hydrogen to make it a viable alternative to fossil fuels, and using green ammonia as a fuel and a fertilizer.

To put this in perspective, quantum computing, a decade or two from now, could pave the way to reducing about 15% of all carbon emissions per year. It will get better and better over time.

You know, I’ve now talked to easily a thousand of you over the past three months, and certainly, a lot of those conversations revolve around the challenges we face in Berkshire County and beyond. What strikes me though, is not our problems, but the breadth and depth of human potential we have around here. We have so much wisdom and expertise here. I am truly motivated to play a role in harnessing the resolve of these folks and bringing solutions to Boston and back to the Berkshires.

My point is this: don’t let the challenges get you down. We all have something different to bring to the table. Together we can solve our problems and come up with solutions.

Oh, and Ben: enjoy your paddle, and then get back to work. The world is waiting.

Arm wrestling Lee Select Board member Bob Jones at the Locker Room. Thanks for your support in this race, Bob!

Warning: Dirt Roads

Is a dirt road an impervious surface? I know, sounds like a trick question. It isn’t.

I pointed out at the Becket Candidates Forum last Tuesday that proposed changes in the Deptartment of Environmental Protections’ wetlands regulations (310 CMR) could have a big impact on road repair costs in towns like Otis, Becket, Sandsfield, Washington, Mount Washington, and dozens of other Western Massachusetts communities. You see, the Hill Towns have hundreds of miles of municipal and private dirt roads, and reclassifying them as impervious surfaces under the proposed new regulations could add millions in road repair costs to the district. That’s because of the higher burden that would come with repairs as intense storms wash them out.

I write this in specific contrast to the article above. I believe that dealing with the bread-and-butter issues that you face is just as important as having a grasp on the long-term solutions that should inform policy. A dirt road policy that works for Brookline or Brockton or Boston just doesn’t make sense for the South Berkshires, not without massive increases in funding for roads and bridges from the Commonwealth. How about we send a champion to Boston who understands the big picture and has just a firm grasp on the detailed policy proposals that could impact your town — and your property taxes.

Talking with West Stockbridge Select Board Chair Andy Potter at the Housatonic Party in the Park

Bowling with a supporter at Cove Bowling Alley in Great Barrington. Fun reunion MMRHS Class of '84!

My Interview in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

I got a call a few weeks back from a reporter at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. He wanted to discuss reconciliation efforts between the Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohicans and the Berkshires.

You can read his article here:


In the article, the reporter referenced Dennis Zack, a Mohican entrepreneur from Oshkosh who dreams of visiting his homeland but has never been back East. Mr. Zack, whose Mohican name is Tau-Tau-yah-com-no-wan (Talker to or speaker to the point), is a member of the tribe and founder of Tribal Sun Soap.

I called Mr. Zack and asked him if any shops in Berkshire County were selling his products. He answered no, but he would love to have some!

My next call was to Teresa O’Brient, the owner of Stockbridge’s Williams & Sons Country Store. She checked out Tribal Sun Soap, and thought that his products would make a great fit for her store. She placed her first order last week.

A big part of my job on the Select Board and I hope, my job as your state rep, is to bring folks together to do good. A whole lot of folks in Wisconsin who had never heard of the Berkshires have now read a feel-good story on our efforts. A local merchant is selling a great new product and a man named Mr. Zack is one step closer to his dream of visiting the home of his ancestors.

The extra mile is always the most rewarding part of any trip.

An article from the paper on Housatonic Water Works' problems... in 1991.

Working Hard: Housatonic Water Works

There’s been a lot of coverage on Housatonic Water Works in the past few weeks. Without rehashing, I point you to The Berkshire Eagle and The Berkshire Edge for coverage.

I will add this: in Stockbridge, we have just 25 of the 800 or so households on this system. I volunteered as an intervenor last July 2023. I filed two sets of testimony that covered about 30 pages of issues (mostly focused on financial matters as this is a rate case).

I did it to try to help this community that has long suffered with substandard water and now faces a proposed massive increase in the monthly bill for that lousy water.

I have a lot of work to do already. I took on the extra work of volunteering for the folks of this community because I felt I could add value and have their back.

I was not alone. So many others weighed in over the past year and at last Thursday’s hearing and in the written comments filed online. So many others, like me, were in this fight long before Thursday’s hearing. Two I’d like to thank by name: Sharon Gregory and Andrew Berens. Your work brought substantial value to the case and the argument against a rate increase.

The decision now rests with the Department of Public Utilities.

This Housatonic Cedar is only slightly older than the HWW's water problems.

My mom and dad, Ronnie and Russ White, volunteered in both Lenox and Stockbridge. This is the brick in their memory at St. Ann's in Lenox.

Memories of My Father

At Sheffield Historical Society's Garden Gala a week ago, I ran into Kevin Larkin, the famed local baseball historian who chronicled Troy's Garage team of West Stockbridge in his book, Big Time Baseball in a Small Berkshire County Town.

He pulled me aside to talk about my dad, Russ White, who was his hockey coach back in the day.

Before it was Shakespeare & Co., it was a hockey rink. The Elayne P. Bernstein Theatre and Jane Iredale Lobby was the H. George Wilde Sports Center. It housed the rink, basketball and tennis courts, a work out room, and about a million memories of local families enjoying themselves.

My dad ran the rink as a side gig, while also coaching Youth Hockey. He also coached a the Interlaken Indians, a Stockbridge baseball team and the Monument Mountain Spartans hockey team.

I look back today and marvel at my Berkshire parents from long ago. They both worked two jobs, adopted three kids, raised collies, and volunteered extensively in our community.

A lot of folks have told me that with Smitty, I'd have big shoes to fill and that is absolutely true. But the biggest shoes of anyone I've ever known to fill are those of my Dad, Russ White.

Happy Father's Day, Dad. I'll try to make you proud.

Enjoying John Fogerty at Tanglewood a few days ago...

...and singing along with Roger Daltry last night.

At the Sheffield Farmer's Market.

At the Lenox Farmer's Market. I purchased Odd Bird Farm's rhubarb galettes. Extraordinary!

Hanging out with Sharon Gregory at Juneteenth with the good folks advocating for foster children.

Handing out chocolates at Pittsfield Pride...

...and again yesterday at Sheffield Pride.

Want to Learn More?

Please consider supporting my candidacy to represent you in the State House. To learn more, visit https://www.patrickwhiteberkshires.com

You can donate by clicking here:

Or you can mail a check to:

Patrick Thomas White Committee
81 Hawthorne Street
Lenox, MA 01240

I've reached about 35% of my goal. Thanks for any help you can provide. I am in it to win it and am running to effect real change. I'd love to have your support.


Patrick White

Patrick White

PS: You can find detailed positions on my campaign website:


Previous Notes

Week ending 6/8/2024
Climate Cred. read more

Week ending 6/1/2024
Solving the EMS Crisis. read more

Week ending 5/24/2024
Lessons from Wyoming. read more

Week ending 5/17/2024
The Politics of Water. read more

Week ending 5/10/2024
Paul Revere and Smitty Pignatelli. read more

Week ending 5/3/2024
Fixing Assessments, Aging in Place, EMS. read more

Week ending 4/26/2024
Swinging for the Fences. read more

Week ending 4/19/2024
Housing - Trails - Internet - Healthcare - Singing Praise. read more

Week ending 4/12/2024
Dog Day Afternoons. read more

Week ending 4/5/2024
Remembering Searles Middle School. read more

Week ending 3/29/2024
It's all about the jobs. read more

Week ending 3/22/2024
Snow - Taxes - Childcare - Grants - School Play read more

Week ending 3/15/2024
Economic development, family farms, why just water? read more

Week ending 3/8/2024
Affordable housing, Climate Advisory Board, Multicultural Bridge, economic development, ROR filing. read more

Week ending 3/1/2024
West Stockbridge rent control brief, PCB radio interview, cancer and the river, reducing property taxes. read more

Patrick Thomas White Committee
81 Hawthorne Street
Lenox, MA 01240

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