Seeing Some Bears and Saving Some Bees/July 7
Patrick White for State Representative

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 Every journey...
 ...starts with a single step!
 This little guy decided to climb a tree directly across from Tanglewood during the James Taylor concert. Mama looked a little annoyed.
In This Issue:
Town Hall Honey Bees
Signing the Union Contract
Toddler Thank You
Celebrating Vice Admiral Paul Thomas
Berkshire County Diaper Project
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 A swarm of honey bees at Stockbridge Town Offices.
Saving Our Town Hall Honey Bees
There's a giant beehive above the main entrance to Stockbridge Town Hall. I love that I live in a town that recognizes the value of saving them.
When our Town Administrator Mike Canales pointed this out to me, I said, "you know we have to save them, not exterminate them." Michael was already on it.
He set up an appointment with Hamden County beekeeper Nate Sperry, who is also a carpenter. He is coming out to relocate the swarm to a safer place this coming week.
From the Hamden County Beekeepers website:
The honeybee is the single most important insect that has a positive impact on man. That impact is not just spoonfuls of honey and old-fashioned candles. It's not just in the beeswax facial you may get at the spa. It's every California Almond, Louisiana Watermelon, Florida Grapefruit, Maine Blueberry, and Washington State Pear you've ever bitten into. It's every apple orchard or pumpkin patch you have ever frolicked in.
I am so proud of my town today. So very proud. As an aside, between the little bear, and the toddler note, and the honey bees, this issue is feeling a lot like Winnie the Pooh!
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 The union contract I signed on Friday. It contains a guaranteed cost-of-living increase plus 1/2% to protect town employees from inflation.
Signing the Union Contract:
Protecting our Town Workers
During COVID, the three-year inflation rate totalled 17%. Our union and non-union workers were average just 2% annual increases, resulting in a net loss of purchasing power of 11%.
Last summer, I set out to fix that. I felt it was unfair to these police, highway, and town hall workers, folks who give so much, that they were losing so much.
I insisted that we peg their raises to the rate of inflation, plus 1/2%. Now, they will never lose purchasing power again. The unions were grateful to say the least. So were the non-union town hall employees.
After nearly a year of negotiation, I signed the contract on Friday. This is great for the workers, but also great for the town. The cost of living is exploding around here. Living wages and fair pay is how you attract and retain local staff to do local jobs and raise local families.
We got it done in Stockbridge. I strongly encourage every town and school district in South County to do the same.
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 A thank you note from a toddler.
Toddler Thank You
I live across the street from Tanglewood. When traffic backs up on Hawthorne Street during a Tanglewood concert I often offer a spare parking space to a family in bumper to bumper gloom. I've been offering these spots for years, but my favorite memory is tied to the above letter I got from one couple's toddler.
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 Congratulations to Stockbridge native Paul Thomas as he retires as Vice Admiral of the Coast Guard.
Vice Admiral Paul Thomas
South Berkshire native Paul Thomas just retired from the United States Coast Guard as its Vice Admiral, basically running the entire Coast Guard operation. Rather than attempt to tell his story, this is from the USCG website.
Vice Admiral Paul F. Thomas assumed duties as the Deputy Commandant for Mission Support (DCMS) in June 2021. As Deputy Commandant for Mission Support, Vice Admiral Thomas leads the 17,000-person organization that delivers the systems and people that enable the U.S. Coast Guard to efficiently and effectively perform its operational missions. He is responsible for all facets of support for the Coast Guard's diverse mission set through oversight of human capital, lifecycle engineering and logistics, acquisitions, information technology and security.
VADM Thomas most recently served as served as the DCMS Deputy for Personnel Readiness (DPR), where he was responsible for integrating human resources, force readiness, and Coast Guard Academy activities through oversight of emerging policy and technology, planning and budget, and program coordination. VADM Thomas takes from this experience the ability to deliver mission-ready forces by investing in an effective talent management system through initiatives such as modern ready learning, robust HR analytics and improving access to health care and other support services.
Vice Admiral Thomas' previous Flag assignments were Commander, Eighth Coast Guard District, New Orleans, LA, and Assistant Commandant for Prevention Policy at Coast Guard Headquarters.
Vice Admiral Thomas is a 1985 graduate of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy with a B.S. degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. In 1992, he graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with M.A. degrees in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. In 2005, he completed a National Security Fellowship at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government, and in 2010, he served as a Senior Fellow to the Chief of Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group (SSG XXIX). He is also an alumnus of Harvard's National Preparedness Leadership Initiative.
Vice Admiral Thomas' military awards include the Coast Guard Distinguished Service Medal, the Legion of Merit Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal, the Coast Guard Commendation Medal, the Department of Transportation 9-11 Medal, the Joint Service Commendation Medal, the Coast Guard Achievement Medal. VADM Thomas has been designated an Honorary Chief Petty Officer.
Vice Admiral Thomas and his wife Mary Thomas, D.V.M., have one son Erik.
I have known Paul for over 50 years. Congratulations on your lifetime of service.
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 That's me with Bill Sturgeon, the Grand Marshall at Thursday's July 4th parade. Bill interviewed me on his WTBR's Morning Drive radio show. The segment airs Monday. I will send out a link next week.
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Berkshire County Diaper Project
The Berkshire Community Diaper Project's mission is to help parents in need by raising funds for diapers and wipes in order to provide these essentials for parents who struggle to afford them. Currently, BCDP distributes to 24 locations in Berkshire County. Since its inception in 2014, they have reached increasing numbers of Berkshire families with diaper need and have now distributed over a 2.2 million diapers.
Check out their website and you will see this is an organization worth supporting. To learn more, visit
Want to Learn More?
Please consider supporting my candidacy to represent you in the State House. To learn more, visit
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Or you can mail a check to:
Patrick Thomas White Committee
81 Hawthorne Street
Lenox, MA 01240
We had a solid fundraising week and have now reached over 75% of my goal. Thanks for any help you can provide. I am in it to win it and am running to effect real change. I'd love to have your support.

Patrick White
PS: You can find detailed positions on my campaign website:
Previous Notes
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