Cell Service Woes/July 23
Patrick White for State Representative

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In This Issue:
Meeting Maura Healey
Memories of the Candlelight Inn
Speaking of High School: Shopping at Kenver and Arcadian Shop
Speaking of Boston College: Personal Contacts
Speaking of Speaking: Cell Service
The Soap is In! Mohican Soap Now Available in Stockbridge
Upcoming Events
Thank You President Biden
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Meeting Maura Healey
 Last week with Governor Healey at Gedney Farm in New Marlborough. I was talking with Marybeth Mitts when the Governor walked in. The event was about to start and well, we both wanted a quick photo. I looked at Marybeth and she looked at me and we quickly swapped phones, and each photographed the other standing alone with the Governor. So the photo credit goes to my friend Marybeth Mitts.
 Now, contrast the first great photo above that Marybeth took with the one I then took of her just seconds later as the event was to start. I clicked it and handed it back. Ouch. Marybeth is clearly the better photographer!
 Rep. Smitty introducing Gov. Healey
Memories of the Candlelight Inn
Congratulations to the new owners of the Old Candlelight Inn in Lenox! This from The Berkshire Eagle:
"Renamed Doctor Sax House, Bryan and Kelly Binder's year-round premium boutique hotel at 35 Walker St., located at the corner with Church Street, will have all nine guest rooms open by early August. Six are open currently. The farm-to-table menu at dulu, the name of the hotel's cafe and lounge, is available every day for the public and guests from noon to late night, offering live music and events."
From 9th to 11th grade, I worked as a busboy for then-owners Jimmy and Lynnne DeMayo. Man, bussing tables for a busy Lenox restaurant was crazy work. In the summers, the courtyard would be open. There was always a big push before each concert. Folks didn't want to be late! Between that and mowing lawns, I saved thousands for my eventual tuition at Boston College.
You know, we are all stewards of our properties. I am now the steward of a property first built for a family working on the Wheatleigh estate and purchased in 1960 by my parents. The Binders are now stewards of an incredible property at the corner of Church and Main in Lenox. The business name may change, but the property lives on.
I wish them the best of luck as they embark on this new journey that is as timeless as the Berkshires itself.
 A recent sunset at the Mount in Lenox.
Speaking of High School:
Shopping at Kenver and Arcadian Shop
My senior year at Monument I was captain of the Cross-Country Ski Team. I have lots of fond memories traveling south to Egremont to buy skis and gear from Kenver or north to Lenox to visit Arcadian Shop to do the same.
It's so great that Kenver has been in continuous operation since 1959. Founded by Ken Vermeulen, it has served generations of kids of all ages who enjoy the Berkshire's Great Outdoors! Arcadian Shop's story is similar: founded by Larry Lane in 1974, who recently did his employees a solid and sold the business to them.
Please, shop locally! Whether it's Kenver or the Arcadian Shop, these are locally-owned businesses that have served our communities for decades. It drives our local economy and preserves our heritage.
 My friend Richard Koplin and I drove his 1954 Chevy Truck up to the Car Show at Dalton Day yesterday.
Speaking of Boston College: Personal Contacts
Boston College graduates more than 2,000 students each year. We have an alumni network that numbers over 180,000. I also spent over two decades living in Boston, where I founded several start-ups. I've worked with several of the largest Boston law firms, venture capital firms, high-tech companies, and many others.
I lived in Boston. I worked in Boston. I started companies in Boston.
If you want to be effective, relationships matter. When you need a plumber, it helps to know one well. Boston politics is no different.
I have a lot of ideas, and I think some of them are really good. Let's face it: we live in a world where the best idea doesn't always even get a hearing, let alone win. When we pair a good idea with a robust network of personal relationships, maybe, just maybe, we have a fighting chance to be effective.
I don't make many absolute claims, but this one I will make. I guarantee you I have the most robust set of contacts in our state's capital. If I don't know someone I need to contact, I am one or two calls away from knowing someone who does. I'd like to put these decades of experience to work on your behalf.
 No cell service across the street from Tanglewood, or in many other areas of the county.
Speaking of Speaking: Cell Service Woes
I've been driving all around South County these past five months. One of the things that shocks me is how absolutely abysmal is the state of our cell phone service.
I live across the street from Tanglewood, which draws hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. I get zero bars at my house. Entire Berkshire towns seem to have the same problem.
The big phone companies are rolling out 5G service in the major markets with lots of subscribers. They rolled out 4G in 2010. They rolled out 3G in 2002. They rolled out 1G in 1983. That's over 40 years ago. They are on their third generation in the last two decades and we still can't even get 3G service at many locations here in the Berkshires.
The state has to wake up and recognize that this is an economic development issue. It's a public safety issue. It's a remote work issue. It's a quality-of-life issue. We need to fight for mandates that say, "You want to serve customers in our largest markets? You must serve customers in our smallest ones."
We must start making more noise about rural fairness. It's just not fair to leave decisions up to companies, who will always prioritize the places they make the most money. It's simply outrageous that we can't even get a 3G signal in the Berkshires nearly half a century after nationwide networks were launched. This has got to be a top priority of the next state representative. It will be one of mine.
 You can get Tribal Sun Soap at the Williams and Sons Country Store on Main Street in Stockbridge!
The Soap is In!
Mohican Soap Now Available in Stockbridge
Last month, I was featured in an article in the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel regarding our area's reconciliation efforts with the indigenous tribe that was the Berkshires' first inhabitants, the Mohicans.
The reporter, Frank Vaisvilas, mentioned in the story a man named Dennis Zack, the owner of Tribal Sun Soap in Wisconsin. His Mohican name is Tau-Tau-yah-com-no-wan. I reached out to him to see if he wanted to sell his soap in the Berkshires. He said yes! I reached out to Teresa O'Brient, owner of the Stockbridge Country Store. She said yes and placed an order.
The soaps have arrived. They make a great gift. Please, support our local businesses and those of our Mohican friends.
Upcoming Events
Candidate Forums
July 25 6PM: Meet the candidates at Dewey Hall in Sheffield.
July 27 10AM: The League of Women Voters are hosting a candidate forum at Lee High School Auditorium.
Pleasant and Main
Come and meet with me at Pleasant and Main in Housatonic. I will be there 3-5, Saturday, August 3rd.
Come and listen and make your decision!
 Thanks to Bobbie Hallig for hosting a meet-and-greet last Saturday! That's her son, Oskar, on the left.
Thank You President Biden
President Joe Biden is a decent man and will go down in history as one of America's most consequential presidents. Think about the disaster he inherited at the height of the pandemic. Now reflect on the amazing job he has done on infrastructure, climate, the economy and so much more. Despite his amazing track record, he came to the conclusion that it was time to step aside. He put the American people first. How selfless. How refreshing.
Thank you, President Biden.
 President Biden.
Want to Learn More?
Please consider supporting my candidacy to represent you in the State House. To learn more, visit https://www.patrickwhiteberkshires.com
You can donate by clicking here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/patrick-3rd
Or you can mail a check to:
Patrick Thomas White Committee
81 Hawthorne Street
Lenox, MA 01240
We had a solid fundraising week and have now reached over 75% of my goal. Thanks for any help you can provide. I am in it to win it and am running to effect real change. I'd love to have your support.

Patrick White
PS: You can find detailed positions on my campaign website:
Previous Notes
Week ending 7/14/2024 The Creative Economy. read more
Week ending 7/7/2024 Seeing Some Bears and Saving Some Bees. read more
Week ending 6/30/2024 A Thoroughly American Story. read more
Week ending 6/23/2024 Meet Ben Soloway. read more
Week ending 6/8/2024 Climate Cred. read more
Week ending 6/1/2024 Solving the EMS Crisis. read more
Week ending 5/24/2024 Lessons from Wyoming. read more
Week ending 5/17/2024 The Politics of Water. read more
Week ending 5/10/2024 Paul Revere and Smitty Pignatelli. read more
Week ending 5/3/2024 Fixing Assessments, Aging in Place, EMS. read more
Week ending 4/26/2024 Swinging for the Fences. read more
Week ending 4/19/2024 Housing - Trails - Internet - Healthcare - Singing Praise. read more
Week ending 4/12/2024 Dog Day Afternoons. read more
Week ending 4/5/2024 Remembering Searles Middle School. read more
Week ending 3/29/2024 It's all about the jobs. read more
Week ending 3/22/2024 Snow - Taxes - Childcare - Grants - School Play read more
Week ending 3/15/2024 Economic development, family farms, why just water? read more
Week ending 3/8/2024 Affordable housing, Climate Advisory Board, Multicultural Bridge, economic development, ROR filing. read more
Week ending 3/1/2024 West Stockbridge rent control brief, PCB radio interview, cancer and the river, reducing property taxes. read more