Patrick White for State Representative

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I was asked by the Sheffield Land Trust this morning for a brief biography to introduce me at a talk on Sunday. Here’s what I came up with:
Patrick White is a member of the Stockbridge Select Board, its Community Preservation Committee, and the Town's Affordable Housing Trust. He reviewed 20 years of Stockbridge CPC awards and discovered nearly $1.5 million in unexpended funds, which has resulted in record allocations for Open Space, Historic Preservation, and Affordable Housing these past two years. He is a former entrepreneur who raised tens of millions in venture capital funding that created over 100 Massachusetts jobs. He is an ardent conservationist who is one of three Berkshire County residents named to the Governor's new Climate Advisory Board. He worked closely with the Stockbridge Mohicans to secure $2.4 million in state funding for the purchase and conservation of the north face of Monument Mountain. He is a candidate for State Representative.
What do I stand for? Look at my actions, not just my words. Here’s how I spent my week.
I spent it meeting with 40 others from every corner of Massachusetts, appointed like me by the Healey Administration, to the new Climate Advisory Board. We brainstormed on ways to move the needle to reach the Governor’s Climate Goals, and how to bring the funding to local municipalities to accomplish her objectives.
I spent it working with residents of trailer parks in West Stockbridge and Ludlow to oppose efforts by their landlord to line his pockets with outrageous rent proposals that would triple the burden on poor residents.
I spent it brainstorming with economic leaders to craft a bold Western Massachusetts Miracle, to finally bring back the middle-class jobs that will give your children hope that they can choose the Berkshires not just as their childhood home but as their forever home.
I spent it listening to the good folks of Multicultural Bridge, joining their efforts to reject the politics of hate and division and to advocate for justice and equity for underserved communities.
I spent it researching on how we fund maintenance for the affordable housing we already have in the Berkshires, and how we embrace new funding strategies for housing that don’t increase the burden on our already-strapped property taxpayers.
I spent it meeting with concerned parents who want to know how we reverse declining enrollment, rather than just accept as fact that we must manage our decline.
I spent it challenging GE’s Quality of Life Compliance plan, if you can call it that, to make sure your needs are front and center with the Rest of River clean-up and never again will we give away all of our leverage by signing an agreement without recognizing that the devil is in the details. What were they thinking?
I spent it advocating for better trails and bike paths and walkable neighborhoods, in an initiative of mine called the Berkshire Emerald Necklace modeled on Boston’s.
I am running for State Representative to be your full-throated advocate. I am running to give you hope that together, we can turn this around. I am running to say loud and clear that the status quo is no longer going to cut it.
Join with me and if you can, support this campaign. It costs money to mount a successful campaign. There are the lawn signs, the direct mail, all the work that goes into launching an 18-town campaign. Every donation helps no matter the size (maximum is $1,000 per person per year). Please, if you believe, as I do, that all the folks of the Berkshires, no matter their means, deserve a strong voice and a hard worker at the State House, please consider supporting these efforts.
You can donate by clicking here:
Or you can mail a check to:
Patrick Thomas White Committee
81 Hawthorne Street
Lenox, MA 01240
Donations, be they small or large, are essential if I am going to win this. Every dollar, just like every vote, is important. Thanks for any help you can provide.
I am in it to win it and am running to effect real change. I’d love to have your support.

Patrick White
PS: You can find detailed positions on my campaign website:
 Volunteering in 2023 at the Habitat for Humanity renovation on Grove St. in Great Barrington.