Online or by mail: Patrick Thomas White Committee • 81 Hawthorne St. • Lenox, MA 01240
Constituent Services
A big part of the job, whether you are a Select Board member or State Representative, is to meet the needs of your constituents. That means taking calls, returning calls, getting answers and solutions, and supporting our local organizations who need our help.
My goal is always to respond to folks within 24 hours. Ask your friends in Stockbridge. I almost always do.
I thought I might share with you some sample letters I've written on behalf of constituents. I write very quickly, and have produced dozens of these in my tenure as a selectman.

PS: Running costs money. I need your help. If you believe, like I do, that we have hope, that we can control our own destiny, that we can move the needle on the seemingly intractable issues we face, please consider donating to my campaign.